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miércoles, 21 de junio de 2023


As a writer, and in my facet as an independent investigative journalist, not affiliated with or supported by an established outlet, and whose issues I have chosen to investigate have affected powerful interests, including those of the Mexican government and the worldwide media industry like CNN, I have often been ban from publishing in what is considered the mainstream media. Of course, not an official, publically recognized ban.

I think the important thing about this situation is that NONE of my very serious points of my investigations published in these mainstream media when I have been able to do it, have NEVER been denied by those who have been exposed. The ban it has been pure retribution to prevent me from advancing professionally.

In 2009, I exposed Rosa Beltrán, a very overrated writer that not by coincidence has made an influential bureaucratic career in UNAM (main university of Mexico) who fabricated a story of Korean nationals stealing pets from Mexican people to eat them. She's one of the most powerful women between the Mexican literati.

In 2007, it was exposed that the Mexican government had illegally introduced personnel from the Cisen, the political police, to supposedly support the management of the documentary heritage that had been transferred to the National Archives, and that it would be the documentary evidence base for the investigation of serious violations of human rights, such as the Tlatelolco massacre. Being that there was a serious conflict of interest that several of the accused had historically been bosses of or members of that political police. Ten years later there was a continuation. That staff would leave until 2019, without explaining how the integrity of those collections of evidence could be ensured.

In both publications, the investigation appear signed by others, but they are based on the investigation that I had carried out and on documents that I obtained. Both reporters couldn't deny it. For this reason, although they are not signed by me, I always put them as an example of the investigative journalism work I do.

In 2018, I proved that a #MeToo story against actor Morgan Freeman was just a fabrication by a CNN reporter. Instead of seeking to deny me directly and energetically, a spokeswoman for that media company attacked me hiding behind anonymity. When I found out her identity, her attack was deleted online.

And if the fraud had been committed in the New York Times itself, I would still have pointed it out.

As a characteristic that I allow myself to point out in my activity as an investigative journalist is that many times investigating one topic leads me to another, in an organic development. An investigation into the alleged espionage activity of the writer Elena Garro, research quoted in the books Elena Garro and Mexico's Modern Dreams (2012), by Rebecca E. Biron, and Debo olvidar que existí. Retrato inédito de Elena Garro (2017), by Rafael Cabrera, (of Casa Blanca de Peña Nieto fame) led me to discover the illegal entry of Cisen to Mexico´s National Archives.

Another characteristic of me is that I rebel against the secondary condition to which most Latin American writers and journalists seem to conform, with respect to American journalism and literature. I wrote the column Giving birth to journalistic fraud: Morgan Freeman and CNN, widely disseminated in the Spanish-language sphere, mentioned or alluded to in around 70 media, showing that CNN committed journalistic fraud. Among others, El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, Marca, Público, Telecinco, from Spain. El Comercio, La República, Buenos días Perú, from Peru. El Nacional, El Pitazo, from Venezuela. Cultura colectiva, La Saga, Eje Central, from Mexico. ETC.

I am currently conducting an investigation alongside (and sometimes in spite of and against) members of the #FreeBritney movement, which formally succeeded in freeing singer Britney Spears from an abusive conservatorship. It's my conviction that her case involves serious issues about corruption in American courts and Media, and fascinating questions about personal freedom, sanity, public images, disinformation campaigns and more. In the deep, this is not tabloid material no matter apparences.

I have had as recognition of my investigation having been blocked, not denied, by the Twitter account (55 million of followers) supposedly managed by Britney Spears herself, which was actually opened, like the Instagram account, by those who managed the conservatorship.

This was because I exposed that she never asked in the June 23, 2021 court hearing that the trial to be sealed. This was asked by infamous court appointed attorney Sam Ingham claiming to asking for it in her behalf. Not a reason for the real Britney Spears to block someone.

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Me gusta la buena conversación, sea personal o en línea, pero borraré sin contemplaciones cualquier insulto. Cuando he criticado a alguien siempre he mostrado las razones para hacerlo. Y jamás me he ocultado en el anonimato, como hacen muchos en línea.